Hi! My name is nao and I'm a Japanese-Canadian living in the Vancouver area. I enjoy playing games, drawing and making stuff.
I usually draw on my iPad using Clip Studio Paint but lately I've been enjoying drawing on paper with markers!
I started this place
because I am having a mid-life crisis
to be on social media less while having
a place that feels more personal like a home to decorate to my liking with my design and artwork.
I also used to make hand-coded websites and would post silly art on it when I was a kid
and I thought it would be fun to go back and do it again!
This site is not optimized to be viewed on mobile. Please view on a computer. I'm a bit rusty with HTML/CSS as well so it might still be buggy, sorry!
If you'd like to link to this website, you can use the banner on the right and you can either hotlink or upload my banner to your website. If you have an art (created by you) and/or related creative website and would like to be friends/linked mutually, please feel free to reach out!
Note: All art on this website is created by me (unless stated otherwise.) Please do not re-post or use in anyway (incl. editing, AI training) without permission unless stated otherwise.
Games: Granblue Fantasy, Project Sekai, Persona 3-5, Uma Musume, Ace Attorney, Tales of series (especially TOA, TOV, TOX2), cute indie games like Undertale, Omori, Florence etc.
Shows/Manga: Gundam series (esp. UC era, G, IBO), Yowamushi Pedal, Yuru Camp, Kamen Rider series (esp. OOO and Ex-Aid), The Powerpuff Girls
Other Interests/Hobbies: cycling (I have a Canondale road bike because of Yowamushi Pedal's Junta Teshima haha), stationery hoarding, zines/handmade books, hand lettering, collecting and drinking various kinds of tea, photography, and visiting small independent bookstores